Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How Kids Can Earn Money to Supplement their Allowance

Every kid wants to have some money. Every parent wants their child to have some money that they can save or spend on something they like. This article will detail things kids can do around the house to make some money for themselves. It is a very smart thing for a parent to teach their children. How can kids make money? Mowing the yard is great way to make money. Any girl or boy can do this and it can be done at a relatively young age. Junior high age is a good age to start. This teaches them that money cannot be earned without hard work. They not only can mow the yard, they can edge it. This also means sweeping up the grass that gets blown out on the driveway. They can do the dishes. This can be a daily thing for a kid to do. It teaches them that not only to be responsible, it teaches them to keep the house clean and that everyone has a part to play. Girls more often than boys do this if you have boys and girls in the house. They can take out the trash. There is the kitchen trash, the bathroom trash, and the trashcans that are outside. Make sure that they understand that the trash cans need to be out every morning before the trash truck arrives. Let them know you are counting on them for this special chore. The time tested chore of babysitting the younger brothers and sisters is a great way to make money for kids. It teaches them how to take care of the rest of the family while you and your spouse are out on date night. You might want to go out to a party with your friends and need someone to watch the younger kids. If they want to earn some money, they can do this. There are many ways to get your child involved and make some money around the house. They are important chores as well. Kids Make Money In Make a positive contribution to your son or daughter’s future now. Teaching kids should be a fun activity. Teaching-Kids-About-Money.com have a lot of great resources

The original article derived from www.freearticlezines.com and we reserve all rights to this content and work. http://www.freearticlezines.com/2011/02/how-kids-can-earn-money-to-supplement-their-allowance-2/


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